The Yellow King Crack

Band –Yellow King Album –Cracked Earth Year –2019 Genre – Alternative Metal / Hard Rock Country –USA Web – Facebook Quality – MP3 CBR 320 KBPS Tracklist: 01. Void (L’appel Du Vide) 03. The Man Behind the Curtain 04. Land of the Deaf 05. Runaway Scarecrow 06. Mercy for Morons 07. Mechanical Mutation (Ascension) 08.

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  • How to reheat Crack Chicken: To reheat your chicken, place the meat in a microwave-safe container, cover, and microwave until warm (about 2 minutes).Alternatively, you can put the chicken in a saucepan on the stovetop, cover, and warm over low heat.

From an icon of African American home ownership to a symbol of urban blight and gang violence, the area known as South Central Los Angeles has experienced dramatic changes over the last half-century: in its population, its economy and even its name.

View a timeline of South Central’s varied past, including events that contributed to the rise of its notorious gangs: the Crips and the Bloods.

The Slausons

Police in South Central in the ‘60s and ‘70s

Overhead image of Watts burning
World-Telegram photo: Ed Palumbo

Arrest during Watts riot
World-Telegram photo: Ed Palumbo

Black Panthers


Raymond Washington

Rodney King

South Central funeral
Photo: Bryan Wiley

Jordan Downs housing project
Photo: Bryan Wiley

World War II: African American Migration
1940 to 1944

Passed in 1941, Franklin Roosevelt’s Executive Order 8801 bans racial discrimination in wartime defense industries. Jobs open up in the growing industrial sector, and African Americans are able to fill them. Companies such as Goodyear, Firestone, Chrysler and Ford all set up factories in South Los Angeles.


Between 1940 and 1970, five million African Americans leave the heavily segregated South for cities in the North and West. During this time, Los Angeles’s black population grows from 63,744 to nearly 736,000.

The Birth of South Central
1944 to 1948

L.A.’s black population is booming, and Central Avenue is its nexus, home to black-owned businesses and a thriving jazz and R&B music scene.

The newly named “South Central” is the only district in the city where African Americans can own property. Racially restrictive housing covenants, enforced by the law, police authorities and white homeowners, keep L.A.’s schools and communities strictly segregated and deny people of color the right to home ownership.

Housing projects, initially built for war industry employees, and planned with racial integration in mind, begin to populate the South L.A. neighborhood of Watts. Larger projects, such as Imperial Courts and Jordan Downs (both built in 1944), have a majority of African Americans living in them.

Shelley v. Kraemer

African Americans achieve victory after challenging legal housing discrimination for years. In Shelley v. Kraemer, the Supreme Court forbids legally enforced, racially restrictive housing covenants. In Los Angeles, African Americans are able to move to new areas outside of the increasingly overcrowded main section of South Central. However, the growth of L.A.’s freeway system and racially based “blockbusting” maintains neighborhood segregation, while whites begin to move to the suburbs.

Street Clubs Form
Early 1950s

In response to white violence against blacks who venture into white neighborhoods, young black Angelenos form street clubs like the Devil Hunters, the Farmers and the Huns. White gangs and black gangs fight in racially morphing neighborhoods in South Los Angeles, with many of the gangs geographically organized by housing projects.

Nickerson Gardens Built

With 1,100 units, Watts’s Nickerson Gardens is the city’s largest public housing project to date, and the largest west of the Mississippi River. By the end of the 1950s, more than a third of Watts residents live in public housing, and the formerly separate districts of Watts, West Adams and Central Avenue are all known as part of South Central.

Civil Rights Act Passes

The U.S. government passes the pivotal Civil Rights Act, which bans racial segregation in the workplace, in schools and in public spaces. But some states, including California, create their own laws to evade the Act’s demand for fair housing, thus maintaining segregation in America’s cities.

Watts Riots
August 11, 1965

A police officer pulls over 21-year-old Watts resident Marquette Frye on suspicion of drunk driving. Frye, his mother, and his brother are all taken into police custody, and with long-simmering frustrations over police brutality, the neighborhood erupts in violence. Over the span of six days, crowds of residents face off against hundreds of L.A. police officers and 16,000 National Guard members. More than 34 people die, 1,000 are wounded and millions of dollars worth of property is damaged.

Black Power
1965 to 1970

Following the Watts Riots, black street clubs in South L.A. begin to unite and organize politically against police brutality. The Black Power Movement gains strength nationally, and violent gang activity decreases in L.A., as former members of gangs like the Slausons join up with the Black Panther Party (BPP), the US Organization and other socially conscious groups.

The FBI, working with the Los Angeles Police Department, feels threatened by the strength and numbers of Black Nationalist groups and intimidates, incarcerates and assassinates many of the movement’s leaders. The FBI’s COINTELPRO program incites violence between US and the BPP, resulting in the murders of two of L.A. BPP leaders in 1969.

South Central Declines
The 1970s

As America’s economy shifts from an industrial and manufacturing base to the service sector, factories start to leave L.A. and job opportunities decline for African American workers. Coupled with white residents leaving for the suburbs, South Central enters a period of economic decline.

The Crips
1971 to 1972

With many black political leaders now imprisoned or marginalized, African American youth in South Central are left without role models in the community, and the number of street gangs increases. A gang called the Baby Avenues is started by 15-year-old Raymond Washington, in emulation of the Black Panthers and to fill the void left by the waning Black Power movement. Due to its members’ youthfulness, the gang becomes known as the Avenue Cribs, which later morphs into “Crips.”

The Bloods
1972 to 1975

The Yellow King Carcosa

Violence grows in South Central between the Crips and other gangs, and fist fighting gives way to guns. The Piru Street Boys in Compton meet with several other non-Crip gangs and form a new alliance that becomes known as the Bloods.

In 1972, there are 10 more gangs in South Central, and a then-unprecedented 29 gang-related murders in the city. By 1974 there are 70 gang-related homicides, and the Crips and Bloods are active in Los Angeles, Compton and Inglewood, in an area totaling nearly 30 square miles.

Raymond Washington Dies
August 9, 1979

Crips founder Raymond Washington is shot and killed on San Pedro and 64th Street in South Central. He is 25 years old. The murder remains unsolved.

The Yellow King Cracked

Between 1978 and 1982, 101 new African American gangs will form in Los Angeles. During this same period, 70,000 workers will be laid off in South L.A.


L.A. County will have 30,000 active gang members by 1980.

Crack Cocaine

Crack cocaine is introduced to South Central, eventually devastating a community that is already in crisis. Over the next decade, the Bloods and the Crips will become more and more involved in the drug’s production and trade, leading to more violence and decimating the neighborhood. The gangs’ reach and power will extend to other urban areas as well as many suburban areas throughout the United States. Nationwide, the incarceration rate will skyrocket.

Boyz N the Hood

Written and directed by South Central native John Singleton, and starring South Central native Ice Cube, this Oscar-nominated film tells the story of three friends growing up in the neighborhood and offers a portrait of inner-city life. Along with albums like N.W.A.’s 'Straight Outta Compton' and films like Menace II Society, Boyz N the Hood puts South Central on the map for the rest of the country and cements its tough reputation.

Rodney King

The Yellow King Cracker Barrel

On April 29th, a jury without a single African American member issues a verdict of “not guilty on all counts” in the case of four L.A. police officers who brutally beat an unarmed black motorist named Rodney King. Five miles away from the site of the 1965 Watts rebellion, at the South Central intersection of Normandie Avenue and Florence Boulevard, angry protests against the officers’ acquittals break out. The protests turn to violence; in the span of three days, 58 people die, hundreds are injured, thousands are arrested and about a billion dollars’ worth of property is damaged. The National Guard is called in and the nation’s spotlight is on South Central.

In 1992, there are 803 gang-related homicides in L.A., and South Central becomes a symbol of urban blight and gang violence.

The Truce and Rebulld L.A.
1992 to 1993

The 1992 uprising spurs a tentative truce between several Bloods and Crips factions. A six-billion-dollar investment program called Rebuild L.A. is created, promising 74,000 new jobs in South Central. But these jobs do not materialize, and the program shuts down within a year.

The truce, which involves 12,000 African American gang members in Watts, doesn’t last either. By October, truce leader Dewayne Holmes is in jail, sentenced for seven years for allegedly stealing 10 dollars. However, there is a reduction in gang-related homicides, and in 1993, a national gang peace summit is held in Chicago with hundreds of former and current gang members attending from different cities across the country.

By the mid-1990s, there are 650,000 gang members in the U.S. and 150,000 in Los Angeles County alone. Blood and Crip gang factions are found throughout the U.S. as well as abroad.

Changing Demographics

Los Angeles’s racial makeup is shifting. According to the 2000 Census, South Central is now 47 percent Latino—its black population declining by nearly half in the past decade. In 1996 there were more than 600 Latino gangs in Los Angeles County, as well as a quickly growing Asian gang population of 20,000. In South Central, tensions between African American and Latino gangs are on the rise, and with it, racially provoked gang violence.

South Central Becomes South Los Angeles

The Los Angeles City Council votes to change the area’s name from South Central to South Los Angeles, in an effort to counteract its negative stigma. Opinion is divided in the 16-square mile district as to whether the name change will help change attitudes and contribute to positive actions, or whether it is merely a superficial move.

Prison Rates Growing
2003 to 2005

Harsher sentencing laws, a flawed “war on drugs” and other socioeconomic factors result in South L.A. being disproportionally affected by rising imprisonment rates. In 2003, one in four African American men are found to be sent to prison in their lifetime; California also has the largest number of female prisoners in the U.S.—the majority of whom are mothers of young children.

In 2005, South L.A. has the largest number of prison releases in the city. Even though the area contains 10 percent of the city’s population, it is home to one out of four of its prison parolees.

Watts Gang Injunctions
2004 to 2007

The yellow king carcosa

Gang violence in Watts, which is mainly centered around its sprawling public housing projects, is again on the uptick. In January 2006 alone, there are 19 gang-related shootings and seven deaths within the Jordan Downs housing complex. Generations of project residents have gone without jobs and economic opportunities and 75 percent of the neighborhood’s adult African American males will be incarcerated in their lifetimes. Watts residents have a 1 in 250 chance of being murdered—in comparison to 1 in 18,000 for average Americans—and nearly half of the neighborhood’s children suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder.

The L.A. police department responds by putting an injunction against the Bounty Hunter Bloods in 2004 and the Grape Street Crips in 2006, forbidding gang members from gathering. While homicide rates eventually drop, residents criticize police for making countless wrongful arrests.

Stanley Williams Executed

Stanley “Tookie” Williams, one of the founders of the West Side Crips in the early 1970s, is executed on December 13 by the state of California. Convicted of four homicides, Williams spent more than two decades on death row, where he became an outspoken anti-gang advocate and author, and was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize three times.

South Central Today
2008 to 2009

In 2008, homicide rates in Los Angeles are at a 40-year low, totaling 392. The area now known as South Los Angeles spans about 60 square miles, with a population of 885,000 people. There are twice as many Latino residents than there are African Americans, and 40 percent of the neighborhood is foreign-born.

The neighborhood still suffers from gang violence and poverty. Since 1990, nearly one-third of South L.A. residents have been living below the poverty line, mere miles from some of the city’s wealthiest neighborhoods. Joblessness remains rampant. Efforts to revitalize South L.A. include the construction of new business districts and shopping centers.

Learn about the people featured in the film>>

Explore an interactive map of South Central Los Angeles>>

Kryptma arrived, and they strategized about how to reach the Upper House on the Plateau of Leng. They would have to pass through a swarm of nightgaunts, who could be safely repelled by a Distillate of Consciousness so no dream space gave them leave to approach. The easiest way to do this would be to go to The Market, where Kryptma happened to be a seller, so she had a way in. She warned them how strange the place could be.

The Market

The Yellow King Cracker

She put a live crab in each of their mouths, and put a crab mask on her face, then they moved through the reflection of water and became the crab, emerging in The Market. She collected her crabs back, and threw away a lucky penny to summon a goblin guide to help them shop. They wended through The Market seeing many rare and wonderful things, then headed down the stairs to the Undermarket, seeing truths about them light up as symbols on the walls. At the bottom, they met the armored centipede centaur guards in heavy armor, who greeted the Oracle of Orcus as a powerful person, and acknowledged the others. A scent urchin gave them nose drops so they could smell whatever they liked instead of the hoary stench of the Undermarked. Then they went to a bridge across a pond, with a tower on an island in the center. By now Kinslton was manifesting physical signs of his formidable demon passenger, and he talked with the Oracle, shifting the manifestations to more of a bird-like appearance instead of something insectile.

They were served by a satyr there who gave them what they were after, in crystal form. The Chalice Bearer apparently had an account that had been accruing interest, so they could pay for it. They got special dispensation to leave through a gate in the pond instead of official channels, and once again used the crab ritual. Kryptma stopped them during the journey and pulled off all the parasites and other hitchhikers from The Market, then they returned, emerging on Prime from the fountain in the lobby of the hotel.

The Tower of Amepal

Back in their room, they said their goodbyes as seemed best for each. Genevieve telepathically contacted her husband, Adrian wrote letters to Mugsy and Emma, and told Snowfall they’d try to figure out her freedom if he returned. She gave him a feather he could burn once, to invoke their connection and bolster his magic. Lydia wrote letters to Amy and Indigo, Kinslton left some instructions for his butler, and Burr polished her boots.

Now ready for whatever may come, they followed Kryptma through the bathroom mirror onto the back of a majestic sky flap flap, a manta ray that could fly through the Umbra. They flew through many strange scenes, and they approached a screaming void of night. Kryptma embedded the crystal of Distillate of Consciousness in Adrian’s chest, and he shone to push back the night and the nightgaunts as they flew through that gulf. Then they reached a strange place full of monoliths, perhaps to the Sky Gods, where they leaked life essence just being in the place. They goaded the flap flap up to the highest tower, and dismounted, releasing the flap flap to go elsewhere.

From there, Genevieve unleashed the illumination in her bauble, and it lit up the fins at the top of the tower and released a brilliant light as it made her an eye far enough from the bustle of linear life that she could see forward and backward in time as never before. She resisted visions, staying focused on the moment, and a shantak flew up to investigate.

She made telepathic contact with it at great cost to her sanity, and it seemed to agree to take them to the Plateau of Leng. They climbed aboard, finding it generated its own gravity, and it lazily drifted away from the Tower of Amepal, through the dimensional barrier, and eventually on to the Plateau of Leng. It flew through the stars, which gathered all around them. Then the featureless gray expanse lay below, endless.

The Upper House

They approached the Upper House, which had pylons allowing it to connect to other dimensions, as in rituals to summon one dimension to touch another. They fell from the shantak, out of its gravity, and a combination of their powers got them to the ground safely. They saw the dust cloud of an approaching group, and quickly headed into the Upper House.

Inside it was designed with geomorph-like blocks of space that could shift and flicker around. A person could be lost inside forever, going from one kind of rooms to another; there were endless staircases, gardens, baths, banquet halls, and so on. They used their Umbra savvy to navigate a fairly direct path to the top, finding an open plaza under the burning constellation of the Hyades and Aldeberan burning red. There were two posts and a lectern, a setup to create a gate and dial in its location.

They felt the psychic pressure of the King in Yellow descending towards this place, and how it forced all the Upper House into alignment, providing a straight path to the entrance. Ralph Quarrie finally caught up with them. He was relaxed, in his white suit, smoking a cigarette, very excited about the coming entrance. He was the Stranger, the White Acolyte from the West. He would guide Hastur to earth.

That could not be allowed. Adrian burst him with a magical attack.

The Yellow King Crack

As the spray of Quarrie’s remains rained down, the King in Yellow appeared on the other side and asked them who would guide him to earth. Inside Kinslton, the Oracle of Orcus insisted that the King in Yellow was the angel he hunted, in one of his forms! He wanted to attack, and Kinslton refused, so the Oracle reformed Quarrie’s body, leaped out of Kinslton, and into Quarrie, rounding on the King to do battle.

Fearing that such a grudge match would destroy them all (whether it destroyed the Oracle or the King) Adrian used his fate to slay the infernal and once again burst Quarrie, this time depriving an arch-demon of a vessel in the process. The King generated a Yellow Sign, and for the first time they saw it as a hyperdimensional coordinate that was like a virus, putting a crack in every consciousness it met, where enough of them could be a sizable breach in an otherwise secure dimensional wall. The Yellow Sign gusted the arch demon to disperse without a host, at least for the moment. Again, the King asked for a guide.

Genevieve knew that could not happen. She shifted her bauble to a sword, and thrust it into the reflection of the Yellow King, relying on her fate to banish the entity. As the blade touched the King, the pylons outside that were charged and primed to allow dimensions to touch were deactivated, and the projection of the Yellow King was whisked back to the Hyades, far from earth.

Return to Prime

Kryptma used the gate in the Upper House to take the group back to Prime. They had been gone four days, but Olivia knew that Adrian was likely still alive until the he used the feather on the assault on possessed Quarrie, when the connection severed and she feared them truly dead. Before they had time to act on that change in plans, the adventurers returned.

Kinslton was now without the Arch Demon Oracle of Orcus, but some of the spawn the Oracle left behind whispered that they could be Legion, and serve him still as symbiotic allies; he found that pleasing. Lydia also found that the incredible sensory expansions she experienced through the whole weird ordeal climaxing in the presence of the Yellow King intensified her mutation, so new powers would soon be hers.